AMST Student Feature: Jalen Desravines

Wanting to pursue a career in finance, Jalen Desravines thought that the Economics major was the perfect fit for him when matriculating into the College of Arts & Sciences. However, after assessing the classes he had already taken, he realized that the American Studies major was a better academic and personal fit for him.

Before even thinking about the major, Desravines had already taken many classes within the department such as Intro to African American Cinema and Black Women’s Writing.

“Those were just classes that I gravitated towards because they sounded so interesting and I was able to do what I do really feel is my strength, which is writing and critical analysis,” Desravines said.

Desravines emphasized how much of a positive influence Prof. Lenora Warren, who taught Black Women’s Writing, has had on his college experience.

“I hadn't really had a focus on Black Women’s Writing, specifically, but she made the class so engaging and I saw the level of passion she had on her work, which rubbed off on me,” he states.

His experience in this course motivated him to enroll in Merchants, Sailors, Pirates, and Whalers, which Prof. Warren also taught, and he describes it as “intersectional.” Prof. Warren is now Desravines’ academic advisor and thesis advisor.

After taking these classes, Desravines’ worked in Private Wealth Management during the summer after his junior year. He accredits his concision in writing and ability to convey his thoughts to the AMST major.

“I think being in a major that makes you write, that makes you think, that makes you critically analyze has really helped me—even in the business world—has helped me write and analyze,” Desravines emphasized.

Along with his AMST major, Desravines plans to minor in Business and Nutritional Sciences. Expressing interest in personal finance and wealth management through his extracurriculars such as BlackGen Capital and Scholars of Finance, he describes the Business minor as an obvious choice. He’s also had an innate drive to stay physically active since high school, taking part in multiple varsity level sports. This led to him attaining a personal trainer certification by the International Sports Science Association. His love for working out motivated other people to do the same, which solidified his interest in the minor.

“People started to ask me for advice. They would ask ‘Jalen, what do you do at the gym? Can you put me through a workout? Can you send me a workout?’” Desravines recalls.

Desravines is a strong advocate for the major and emphasizes the multitude of classes he’s been able to take as a result of AMST, one of them being about health equity.

“Any student at Cornell can find something they really like in an American Studies class because there are so many options,” he reiterates.


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Jalen Desravines